Thursday, January 19, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Friday, January 6, 2012
Tissue Paper Pom Pom Fail
I'm on the couch with a migraine today, but I figured I could still attempt to make some decorations for my little niecelette's 3rd birthday this weekend. The above picture was my goal. I found it on pinterest. Sorry, but I couldn't find the source. Here's how mine turned out:

Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Cut It Out
Right before Christmas, I ordered myself this new coupon organization system from Open Sky. First of all, I LOVE Open Sky. It’s a newish website with dozens of “tastemakers” that you pick and choose from to “follow” from the Beekman Boys, Julie Morgenstern, Martha Stewart, Org Junkie, and many more. You then get online deals that are more tailored to your interests and lifestyle that are currently being chosen by those “tastemakers”. I’m hooked! Here’s a link to get an invite to join! (It’s free!)
Here is my new Qubie Pro Coupon Organizing system that I bought off of Open Sky. I find that when I’m having more fun doing my coupons, I stick to it. You can also purchase it from the Qubie website. I started couponing a year or so ago (you know, before the TLC show “Extreme Couponers” made it the cool thing to do, ha ha) and I did find that I could save up to 50% with a little work. Oh, and by “a little work”, I actually mean hours a week clipping coupons and searching the internet. *yawn* It DOES, literally, pay off though. I find that clipping and planning during a movie or a favorite tv show really helps. Also enlisting older kids is a great way to get them clipped! Although often my 10-yr old will clip coupons for products I have never even heard of, …she means well, right?
I tried organizing them different ways, like keeping the flyers in tact, dating them, and then only clipping the ones I needed (a method they often use on the TLC show), and it was just too cluttered and too overwhelming for me. I like the binder method much better! I have to admit. I made one myself a year or so ago, but I like this one a lot better. 1. because it has 3 different binders -1 for grocery coupons, 1 more restaurant coupons and gift cards, and one of store cards (like CVS, Costco, etc), and a cute tote bag, and 2. bc it’s very matchy-matchy. I respond well to match- matchy!
As for the coupons themselves, I get them mainly from the Sunday paper. I have a few lovely people that give me their coupons they don’t use out of theirs, and then I also grab store coupons from the store flyers when I walk in to shop. My favorite website to use that helps me know which coupon to use when is Souther Savers. It’s matches current weekly sales to the coupons that are out right now…in the Southern regions. Coupon sites are everywhere right now, so even if you’re not in this area, I know you can find one that will work for you if you’re interested!
Have fun clipping, and check out other organizing tips at We Are THAT Family’s Blog!